Take a look at our media room, where you’ll find the latest press releases, Black Tiger Martial Arts information and relevant contacts. We’re always happy to hear from our community, so if you’d like to submit your comments or suggest an article, get in touch!

July 2, 2018
Black Tiger Martial Arts became officially a Member of Ashihara Karate World Independent Union. Sensei Ken became Branch Chief and UK representative for AKWIU

February 23, 2019
What a great day today for Black Tiger Martial Arts with nearly 40 students taking their gradings for promotion to the next level. We had a great time and was proud to hand everyone their new belts and certificates. 1 student getting intermediate grade but still proud. OSU

April 7, 2019
Black Tiger Martial Arts wins again!!!!So every Fighter got a medal in the 4th WKC Youth Games. Very proud of every one of them.
Onwards and upwards to the next tournament. July 14th WKC Open European Championships with more Fighters and more medals

Borrowed from www.elitekarateacademy.com
“Children don’t quit Karate, Parents do.”
If you want your child to benefit or even receive their black belt and more, than you as a parent need to have a black belt commitment too.
Why do you want your child to learn Karate”
Parent – “I want them to gain discipline and confidence”
Sensei to Parent : “Then here are the things you, as the parent need to know and follow no matter what:
1. You must be consistent bringing your child to class. Schedule your Karate days and move things around them so your child doesn’t miss classes or attend sporadically. Why? Because discipline and confidence come from doing structured things, not random things.
2. When training gets tough and your child doesn’t want to go to class because it’s not “fun” you will tell them “get your Gi and let’s go” no matter what. Why? Because you can’t build discipline on your schedule, only doing what you want when you want. You also can’t build confidence by avoiding things that are hard to do or tough. Only by failing and then overcoming that failure can you grow confident. It is not easy but it is worth it.
3. When your child loses interest (which comes and goes by the way) you will say “Get your Gi and let’s go”. Allowing your child to just give up something because they have lost interest leads to teaching them how to be a failure in life. Teaching your child the value of commitment and seeing things through is part of the discipline process. The loss of interest in kids happens but then they wish they wouldn’t have “quit”. Teach your child not to be a quitter.
4. You aren’t committing to attend Karate. You are committing to get good at Karate and earn your black belt. When your child wants to quit you will say “Are you a black belt yet?” and then say “Get your Gi and let’s go”. Children who see their training through to black belt will learn what it means to truly earn something which builds confidence and discipline. This will be invaluable in their lives as they grow into adulthood (going off to college and more).
5. Karate will build confidence, discipline, focus and more BUT you have to be committed to it no matter what. You can’t just show up when you want and expect your child to gain from it. It takes work so teach your child the value of working hard. When you, the parent, are involved in their training they grow strong in their confidence and discipline. Don’t be “that parent” that just lets their kid start and quit things. Get them to the dojo and watch them develop strong, focused, driven and confident so that they can have a great life!

June 14, 2019
Black Tiger Martial Arts and Knife defense goes hand in hand. Here's a great article that is worth reading.

September 22, 2019
7 Fighters and 8 medals. Very proud of all my Fighters today.
Join us now for a free taster class in one or all of the styles we offer at Black Tiger Martial Arts competing in Local and National and International tournaments throughout the UK.
Check website for more information on times and places where we train and times when we train

October 09, 2019
Black Tiger Martial Arts leading the way. Sensei Ken. Received his Certificate today after completing "Child Protection In Sport" course. Meaning that he is up to date with the latest legislation. We are also in the process of completing requirements to gain a reputable kite mark confirming that we have all the required documents etc for operating as a Professional Martial Arts School.

October 19, 2019
Black Tiger Martial Arts Gains a Brand New Black Belt in the guise of Sensei Gabriel Wylson. He completed the hard grading including a written test, a mile run and sparing with 20 fresh opponents for over 30 minutes. The full basics, bag test and Kata and Applications. Enough to make lesser people give up.Gab received his Dan grade certificate from Kaicho Peter Lewis president of the WKC at the World Championship Kickboxing Tournament to confirm his grade. He's now working towards his 2nd Dan

October 26 - 27, 2019
Black Tiger Martial Arts Gains 2 World Champion Kickboxers in Semi Contact Points. We also have Finalists Silver in the Light Continuous Kickboxing too.
Very proud of our Fighters bringing home the medals and the titles.

November 09, 2019
Black Tiger Martial Arts had the honour again to be part of the Doki Doki festival part of the Annual Japanese Society North West activities.
Performing 2 demonstrations with students from our Ashihara Karate Jutsu programme and our TaiChi programme.
Great responses from the audiences and great displays from the team members

February 22, 2020
Wow 31 candidates grading this time. With a 100% pass rate we at BTMA are so proud of our standards. We had a guest instructor on the Panel, Dai Shihan Wayne Fawkes 9th Degree Kempo. And it was also Sensei Gabriel's first time on the panel.Well done to the new 3rd Kyu Candidates who managed to perform all the techniques in front of the whole panel and other candidates grading.
Looking forward to the next grading as we have quite a few new members too

August 5, 2020
Black Tiger Martial Arts keeping the safety of its members paramount. Sensei Ken has completed and passed the current Covid safety course with the British Martial Arts and Boxing Association.Our Covid Policy and Risk assessment are available on request.

October 3, 2020
New Licence and Membership record books coming to Our School. Designed to cover our systems and our requirements.

October 1, 2020
As we're becoming more focused on training and availability is now 10hours a day. Starter Membership Fee has increased to £50, this is inclusive of Insurance cover with our current NGB, Karate Suit/Kickboxing pants and Licence Book.TaiChi is £20. All Renewals are £20, Fighters are £30
Other details are available upon request.

16th December, 2020
Well 2020 almost done for Black Tiger Martial Arts. Timperley Dojo has the Last class on Friday to finish off the Year.
What a strange year it has been. We've had Covid lockdown for most of the year. We've seen the club grow, new members join, some members join then leave and some longer term members leave too. Predominantly due to Covid and the need for bubbles etc but this is what karate is about. Not everyone will make it to Black Belt. With those who stayed and put the time in a Black belt is there for the taking.
May I say thanks so much to the training team who's skills have helped to make our classes even more awesome. Sensei Stewart, Sensei Gabriel, Sempai Meena, Sempai Dave, Sempai Steve, Sempai Zak and Sempai Jacob. Also to add is Aaron who assists with Kickboxing. Thank you so much
I'd like to take the time to also thank the parents of the Junior Classes for bringing your children to our School and thank you for supporting our events such as gradings and the Fighters tournaments etc.
Ashihara Fighting Karate Jutsu - This has been amazing we've seen growth and improvement in many of the students. Several students grading at every grading and a small few getting the infamous pink tab for highest scores for the Grading. The Junior Classes at both New Dawn Dojo and Timperley Dojo have seen a superb increase in attendance and looking forward to the classes growing even further and a few Brown belts and 4 Dan grade promotions next year in 2021 including myself.
Japanese Kickboxing - This has seen a good growth in students especially over the last few months. We've had a couple of gradings and gained one brown belt.
TaiChi - This has been a great experience for me. Gained a few students. Looking forward to restarting in 2021. With looking at growth. We have a new class starting on Wednesdays 10.00am until 11.00am at Timperley Village Hall. I may look at a morning/afternoon class at New Dawn on the same day too.
Private lessons - These are available all week except during class times. I hope that you will take the opportunity to experience the knowledge gained in one of my 1-2-1 classes.
Next year we are looking at introducing more classes in other areas and revisions to the training programmes. New Tariffs increases will be effective from January 2021 but will not affect existing students.
Also we should have several tournaments that we can attend so I'm looking forward to seeing some of our Fighters getting medals etc.
So finally may I say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from All at Black Tiger Martial Arts to all of you and see you all next year OSU.

September 21, 2022
Black Tiger Martial Arts has began a New Era in their Journey.
We have founded a New System of Martial Arts from the ancient arts to create Urban Tiger Kempo.
We're excited

October 16th 2022
Really impressive grading. We had 22 candidates and all managed to meet the requirement! So we got and amazing 1000% pass rate.
Well done to everyone and thank you for Shihan Wayne and Sensei Gab for sitting on the Panel with me

October 17, 2022
Black Tiger Martial Arts has a new venue in Poynton at the Poynton Sports Club London Rd N, Poynton, Stockport SK12 1AG.
See you ALL there

November 12, 2022
Black Tiger Martial Arts was busy again this month with Shihan Ken, Founder and Senior Instructor received this Lifetime Achievement Award from Kancho Peter Lewis, Founder and President of the WKC. An extremely proud moment for the Club.

November 12, 2022
Along with Shihan Ken's Lifetime Achievement Award, our very own Hanshi Wayne received his long awaited 10th Dan after a more than 50 years in Martial Arts. Congratulations OSU

December 6, 2022
Well 2022 almost done for Black Tiger Martial Arts. New Dawn Dojo has the last class on Monday 12th to finish off the Year.
What an amazing year it has been.
We've seen the club grow. We have 2 New Locations and a very healthy Student base. We've had new members join, some members join then leave and some longer term members leave. We've also had members return to training after several years of absence.
Not everyone will make it to Black Belt. With those who stayed and put the time in a Black belt is there for the taking. Saying that we have 2 new Candidates for 1st Dan next Year
May I say thanks so much to the training team who's skills have helped to make our classes even more awesome. Sensei Stewart Now promoted to 4th Dan, Sensei Gabriel 2nd Dan, Sempai Alan 1st Kyu, Sempai Steve 3rd Kyu, Sempai Jake 3rd Kyu and Sempai Jacob 1st Kyu Jr.
Excitingly we have the skills and knowledge of Hanshi Wayne 10th Dan who joined us this year. Thank you so much
I'd like to take the time to also thank the parents of the Junior Classes for bringing your children to our School and thank you for supporting our events such as gradings and the Fighters tournaments etc.
Urban Tiger Kempo originally Ashihara Fighting Karate Jutsu - This has been amazing we've seen growth and improvement in many of the students. Several students grading at every grading and a small few getting the infamous pink tab for highest scores for the Grading. The Junior Classes at both New Dawn Dojo, Poynton and Timperley Dojo have seen a superb increase in attendance and looking forward to the classes growing even further and a few Brown belts and 2 Dan grade promotions next year in 2023.
Japanese Kickboxing - This has seen a good growth in students especially over the last few months. We've had a couple of gradings and gained one brown belt and at least 2 brown belts next year and 1 promotion to 1st Degree next year.
TaiChi - This has been a great experience for me. We've got a second location at St Anthony's on Monday mornings and gained a few more students. Looking forward to restarting in 2023. With looking at growth. We have a new class starting on Wednesdays 12.00pm until 1.00pm at Poynton Sports Club. I may look at a morning/afternoon class at New Dawn on the same day too.
Private lessons - These are available all week except during class times. I hope that you will take the opportunity to experience the knowledge gained in one of my 1-2-1 classes. Many Students have taken up the opportunity so several slots have been taken already.
Next year we are looking at introducing more classes in other areas and revisions to the training programmes.
Also we should have several tournaments that we can attend so I'm looking forward to seeing some of our Fighters getting medals etc.
So finally may I say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from All at Black Tiger Martial Arts to all of you and see you all next year OSU.

February 4, 2025
Almost 60 Students grading at our group grading last weekend with another 20 grading yesterday who couldn't attend. That's Almost 80 Students grading. We had to use a larger location as our Honbu is not big enough to house everyone.
Well done to everyone 👏 👍 👍 👏
Next Grading will include one Candidate going for Shodan.

Nov 28 2023
Amazing, at the WKO Open British Tatami Championships on 19th November 2023 we gained not 1 but 2 British Champions. Their Opponents were over 6 feet but they still managed to gain their wins and gain the titles.
Dayan Platt 17 British WKO Light Con Kickboxing Champion
Gabriel Wylson 18 British WKO Low Kick Kicboxing Champion

December 21, 2023
Well 2023 almost done for Black Tiger Martial Arts. Monday's Christmas Party ended the year well.
Congratulations to our students of the year:
Timperley Student of the year goes to Ada M. – totally dedicated and will go far
New Dawn Student of the Year goes to Adam I – passionate and will also go very far
Kickboxer of the Year goes to Taroob H – Puts so much effort into everything she does
And finally, our overall student of the year Steven – so much passion for both Kempo
and Kickboxing, he will be an awesome champion and black belt in Black tiger Martial Arts
What a year we've had. We've seen the club grow, new members join, some members join then leave and some longer term members leave too. Not everyone will make it to Black Belt. With those who stayed and put the time in a Black belt is there for the taking.
May I say thanks so much to the training team who's skills have helped to make our classes even more awesome. Sensei Stewart, Sensei Gabriel, Sempai Deanna, Sempai Frank, Sempai Steve, and Sempai Jacob. Thank you so much
I'd like to take the time to also thank the parents of the Junior Classes for bringing your children to our School and thank you for supporting our events such as gradings and the Fighters tournaments etc.
Urban Tiger Kempo - This has been amazing we've seen growth and improvement in many of the students. Several students grading at every grading and a small few getting the infamous pink tab for highest scores for the Grading. The Junior Classes at both New Dawn Dojo and Timperley Dojo have seen a superb increase in attendance and looking forward to the classes growing even further and a few Brown belts and 4 Dan grade promotions next year in 2024. We finished the year with myself, Sensei Stewrt and Sensei Gab both receiving Promotions from Hanshi Wayne to our next levels.
Japanese Kickboxing - This has seen a good growth in students especially over the last few months. We've had a couple of gradings and gained one Black Belt, Sensei Gabriel and 4 Brown belts.
TaiChi - This has been a great experience for me. Gained a few students. Looking forward to restarting in 2024. We have a healthy student attendance across both New Dawn and St Anthony's looking forward for a few more joining us but this is a limited venue.
Private lessons - These are available all week except during class times. I hope that you will take the opportunity to experience the knowledge gained in one of my 1-2-1 classes.
Also Private lessons will be available from Sensei Gabriel also outside class times
Next year we are looking at introducing more classes in other areas and revisions to the training programmes.
Also we should have several tournaments that we can attend so I'm looking forward to seeing some of our Fighters getting medals etc.
So finally may I say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from All at Black Tiger Martial Arts to all of you and see you all next year OSU.

November 1, 2024
Sensei Gabriel has officially taken the reins as the new Chief Instructor at Black Tiger Martial Arts, marking a significant shift in leadership for the esteemed martial arts school. With a wealth of experience spanning over a decade in various disciplines, including Urban Tiger Kempo, Ashihara KarateJutsu and Japanese Kickboxing, Sensei Gabriel brings a fresh perspective and a dynamic approach to instruction. His passion for martial arts is evident not just in his impressive training background, but also in his commitment to fostering a sense of community among students of all ages and skill levels.
Under Sensei Gabriel’s guidance, Black Tiger Martial Arts is poised for exciting new developments and growth. His vision includes enhancing the existing curriculum to emphasize not only physical skills but also the mental and philosophical aspects of martial arts. Sensei Gabriel believes that martial arts can play a transformative role in building character, resilience, and respect, qualities that will serve students both on and off the mat. Plans for workshops, community events, and collaborative training sessions with other martial arts schools are also in the works, aiming to provide a rich environment for learning and personal development.
As he steps into this pivotal role, Sensei Gabriel expresses gratitude for the opportunity to lead the dedicated team at Black Tiger Martial Arts. He emphasizes the importance of mentorship, encouraging current students to step into leadership roles themselves as they progress in their martial arts journey. With Sensei Gabriel at the helm, the future looks bright for Black Tiger Martial Arts, and both students and instructors alike are eager to embark on this new chapter filled with growth, challenges, and triumphs.

November 9, 2024
Becoming a Shihan, or "master instructor," in martial arts is a journey that transcends mere technical proficiency; it embodies a commitment to personal growth, teaching, and the philosophical tenets that underpin the discipline. To achieve this esteemed title, one must typically undergo years of rigorous training, often spanning decades, enhancing not only their skills in techniques and kata but also cultivating a deeper understanding of martial arts' history, culture, and ethical implications. Shihan is not just a rank but a reflection of one's dedication to the art and their ability to pass on that knowledge to future generations.
The path to Shihan is marked by milestones that include not only advanced martial arts ranking but also the development of teaching methodologies and leadership abilities. A Shihan is often expected to mentor lower-ranking students, inspiring them through example, and fostering an environment where learning transcends the dojo floor. This requires a profound ability to communicate complex concepts in ways that resonate with a diverse range of students, ensuring that the wisdom of martial arts continues to be imparted effectively.
Moreover, the journey to becoming a Shihan is as much about internal growth as it is about external accolades. Practicing principles such as humility, respect, and perseverance is essential; these qualities are vital in navigating the challenges that arise in both training and teaching. A Shihan must exemplify the values of martial arts not just during practice but in everyday life, becoming a role model and a source of inspiration for students and peers alike. Ultimately, the title of Shihan is not merely an end goal, but a lifelong commitment to the art, the community, and the continuous pursuit of knowledge and improvement. Congratulations to Shihan Stewart Larcombe

November 9th, 2024
So our Kempo gradings for this year completed with 3 Black Belt candidates passing their grade, including Sensei Frank and Sempai Jacob and our Kyu grades getting closer to their own Black Belts. The grading panel including Sensei Gabriel, Sensei Frank and Sempai Jacob with the expert guidance of Shihan Stewart.
Next Kyu grading is February 2025